Wait until the Power, US/DS and Online lights stop flashing and are solid for one minute. Plug the power cord into the back of your Gateway and then into the electrical outlet. Connect one end of the coax cable to the Cable In/RF In port on your Gateway and the other end to your cable wall outlet. Place your xFi Gateway in a central location near a cable wall outlet.
Follow the step-by-step prompts in the app to install your xFi Gateway modem/router and set up your Xfinity home Wi-Fi network.
Download the Xfinity xFi app for free in the iOS App Store or Android Google Play.If you have Xfinity internet with an xFi Gateway modem/router, follow these steps to get set up: On your phone: Setting up Xfinity Internet with xFi Gateway Please refer to screenshot JUST NOW taken of my Fing app device scan, note the only 2 of those connected devices are mine my I phone and my gateway highlighted in pink. Most online search results provide technical information but not much help if Xfinity dismisses, Denies, and or takes futile to no action minimal acknowledgement there are issues present ? YES but transparent/ knowledgeable detailed info, or any info at that as to WHAT HOW WHY (let alone effective resolution) NO ! Denial = No action and so on. Most of the issues with my service NOT 1 single xfinity rep I’ve came across has no knowledge of the services they provide and or unable to clearly explain what is going on with anything. My iPhoneSo my phone was acting as a public access point as well.

When I finally was able to access my own private network I notice my Xfinity iPhone and gateway had the same IP address Could anyone please explain ? That’s the first time Thats happen. The other night my gateway auto rebooted outside of its usual time to which I was unable to join my own network upon restarting. The only other option is to purchase my own router hopefully that will cut out all the feed 1 feed 2 and many other multiple access points they are triggering my devices to provide for everyone. Xfinity needs to be held accountable for that There is no such thing as disabling they use customers in every aspect expand their signals and line their pockets. Also I have another router on my network UpNP port forwarding and resetting router is only a temp fix by the end of the day all settings reconfigure back to sharing my private network with the world.

My personal pc (Ethernet) also will act as a access point on behalf of Xfinity as well even after I’ve configured it not to but it keeps auto reconfiguring. I’ve opted out of “sharing xfinitywifi hotspot, disabled it on all platforms /apps etc but it’s still active. It’s ridiculously how I’m paying $100 a month to supply internet to half the block. And their service provider is AT&T (separate terminal. So now I’ve noticed the bottom of the terminal is broken where it meets the ground and cables and wires are now running from the hole directly into neighbor’s unit…. Numerous times I’ve requested t tech to come out and secure their OUTDOOR equipment. The outside terminal or what ever it’s called, is located right outside a window of downstairs neighbor’s unit to which they feel inclined to remove the cover and modify cables and what not. MoCA is how these freeloaders are connecting. Fortunately I’m able to pause these devices but it’s an ongoing issue and a bit annoying receiving constant notifications of devices being connected and having to pause them. With numerous and frequent connections of unknown devices Connection type: MoCa.